The need for vGRID

The need for vGRID

Any city, town or community will realistically have many different CCTV camera systems and networks, usually made up of different brands, varying quality and price.

Each CCTV equipment vendor is incentivised to believe they are the best vendor and the world would be a better and simpler place if everyone just used their CCTV products!

Human psychology, in the form of healthy competition, will always ensure there will never be ‘just one’ CCTV system across a city, town or community, except perhaps in unique cases or small communities.

This created the first need for the vGRID SaferCity Platform - something that could securely interface and bring in all the different visual information sources together when needed, from other peoples assets, in one easy to use platform.

CCTV vendors are also not incentivised to focus on interoperability with other CCTV vendors since many view each other as competitors. This is also normal marketplace behaviour.

So for most cities, towns or communities, Police and Public Safety agencies, might have previously had to install multiple, different, individual PCs (and isolated CCTV networks) in to their facilities to view these assets.

This legacy approach is often costly and also restricts viewing of these community CCTV assets to a single Police room or facility, rather than allowing Police to view this visual information when and where it is needed, usually from multiple locations or by a number of first responders.

The smarter way is the vGRID SaferCity platform, that securely converges all the different CCTV assets across a city, town or community and allows this visual information to be securely viewed from multiple locations by authorised first responders.