How it Works
vGRID Streams

What is vGRID Streams?

vGRID Streams enables users access to view and distribute live CCTV video or CCTV operator screens.

View third party video in vGRID

CCTV Cameras & VMS

vGRID streams connects to cameras and video management systems (VMS) of all brands to provide situational awareness from a single platform. This enables operators to see what happening and allows them to better respond to an incident.

Connections are made from the vGRID Gateway installed on the CCTV network to the cameras (using RTSP) or the VMS on site.

As well as streaming video from your VMS, integration directly with leading VMSes provides additional features, enhanced security through ease of management and minimises the additional bandwidth on your CCTV network. vGRID will connect to your VMS just like the standard VMS client does, with auditing in the vGRID and the VMS. Generally no additional licenses or costs are required to connect your streams to vGRID other than the vGRID Gateway.

FuntionalityDescriptionDirect to CameraIntegrated with VMS
LiveStream Video
DiscoveryAutomated setup
SecurityCentralised management of vGRID access
PTZPan-Tilt-Zoom Control of cameras

All IP cameras are supported and if your site has analogue cameras these can be supported via a video encoder.

Supported VMSes

Milestone XProtect
Nx Witness (Local User)

vGRID Screen Share

In addition to enabling access to individual CCTV video cameras from the community, vGRID streams can also access live feeds from CCTV operator screens. This is called vGRID Screen Share.

vGRID Screen Share functionality enables vGRID App users to leverage institutional and system knowledge of primary CCTV operators who often may be the same individuals talking on the phone about a live incident.

vGRID Screen Share works by the installation of local devices that interface with the actual HDMI video feed between a CCTV operator terminal and their CCTV display screen.

vGRID Screen Share can be deployed quickly as it does not require any network or user access to the CCTV network as long as the operator PC being shared can access the cameras or systems which may need to be shared. Often operator’s will have 1-2 nominated screens of their larger workstation that are being shared. Allowing them to control what is seen via vGRID.

Distribute third-party video out of vGRID

vGRID Screen Share

Primarily used to bring third-party operator screens in to vGRID, vGRID Screen Share connected to a vGRID operator PC also allows vGRID users to disribute video from incidents they are observing via vGRID.

This is commonly used at central command centres where vGRID super-users are following an incident using a large number of cameras and is able to share with vGRID Mobile Users their screen to enable them to quickly see what is required in the field, without the need to find and change cameras.

Snapshot Push

vGRID Streams allows desktop users to quickly save or email a snapshot from cameras to any email address, whether a vGRID user or not.